
. length : length of a string

Extracting String Characters

.charAt(position) :  returns the character at a specified index (position)

.charCodeAt (position) :  returns a UTF-16 code 

.at (position) :  returns the character at a specified index (position) in a string.( supported in all modern browsers since March 2022 )

property Access : ex) String[position]

If no character is found, [ ] returns undefined, while charAt() returns an empty string.


Extracting String Parts

.slice( start,  end )  : returns the extracted part in a new string

.slice(position) : positive_ slice out the rest, negative_ slice out the end

. substring ( start,  end )  : similar to .slice(), but start and end values less than 0 are treated as 0


Converting to Upper and Lower Case

.toUpperCase() : converted to upper case

.toLowerCase() : converted to lower case 


 .concat("asdfa","asdfasdf") : joins two or more strings

.trim()  :  removes whitespace from both sides

.trimStart() : removes whitespace only from the start

.trimEnd() : removes whitespace only from the end

.padStart(lenght, String ) : string (multiple times) until it reaches a given length from the start (padStart is String method so can't use number) 

.padEnd(lenght, String ) :  string (multiple times) until it reaches a given length from the end (padEnd is String method so can't use number) 

.repeat(count) :  returns a string with a number of copies

Replacing String Content

.replace( value , new value) : replaces only the first match, case sensitive

                 To replace case insensitive, use a regular expression with an /i flag (insensitive)

                 To  replace all matches, use a regular expression with a /g flag

.replays(value, new value ) : 


Converting a String to an Array

string can be converted to an array with the .split() method   ex)x= 'j,e,o,n'; x.split(",") -> x = ['j','e','o','n']


String Search

.indexOf(value) : returns the index (position) of the first occurrence of a string in a string, or it returns -1 if the string is not found

.indexOf(value, startpoint) : if you want to select s tarting position for the search

.lastIndexOf(value) : eturns the index of the last occurrence of a specified text

.search(value) : returns the position of the match

               // .indexOf(value)  .search(value) . two methods are NOT equal. These are the differences 

               //  .search() can't select start-posittion 

.match( value ) : r eturns an array containing the results of matching a string against

.matchAll( value ) :  returns an iterator containing the results of matching a string against a string 

.includes( value ) :  returns true if a string contains a specified value( case sensitive )

.startsWith( value ) :  returns true if a string begins with a specified value

.startsWith( value, startposition ) :  start position for the search can be specified

.endsWith( value ) : returns true if a string ends with a specified value

.endsWith( value, endposition ) :  end position for the search can be specified



Template String provide an easy way to interpolate variables and expressions into strings



Variable Substitutions

ex )

let firstName = "John";
let lastName = "Doe";

let text = `Welcome ${firstName}, ${lastName}!`;


String Method~~~

at() Returns an indexed character from a string
charAt() Returns the character at a specified index (position)
charCodeAt() Returns the Unicode of the character at a specified index
codePointAt() Returns the Unicode value at an index (position) in a string
concat() Returns two or more joined strings
constructor Returns the string's constructor function
endsWith() Returns if a string ends with a specified value
fromCharCode() Returns Unicode values as characters
includes() Returns if a string contains a specified value
indexOf() Returns the index (position) of the first occurrence of a value in a string
lastIndexOf() Returns the index (position) of the last occurrence of a value in a string
length Returns the length of a string
localeCompare() Compares two strings in the current locale
match() Searches a string for a value, or a regular expression, and returns the matches
padEnd() Pads a string at the end
padStart() Pads a string from the start
prototype Allows you to add properties and methods to an object
repeat() Returns a new string with a number of copies of a string
replace() Searches a string for a pattern, and returns a string where the first match is replaced
replaceAll() Searches a string for a pattern and returns a new string where all matches are replaced
search() Searches a string for a value, or regular expression, and returns the index (position) of the match
slice() Extracts a part of a string and returns a new string
split() Splits a string into an array of substrings
startsWith() Checks whether a string begins with specified characters
substr() Extracts a number of characters from a string, from a start index (position)
substring() Extracts characters from a string, between two specified indices (positions)
toLocaleLowerCase() Returns a string converted to lowercase letters, using the host's locale
toLocaleUpperCase() Returns a string converted to uppercase letters, using the host's locale
toLowerCase() Returns a string converted to lowercase letters
toString() Returns a string or a string object as a string
toUpperCase() Returns a string converted to uppercase letters
trim() Returns a string with removed whitespaces
trimEnd() Returns a string with removed whitespaces from the end
trimStart() Returns a string with removed whitespaces from the start
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a string or a string object



http://www.w3schools.com 발췌


String Templates까지 함. 




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