
finds an HTML element       :      document.getElementById('demo')


Writing into an HTML element   :    innerHTML

Writing into the HTML output    :   document.write();

Writing into an alert box        :  window.alert(); or alert();

Writing into the browser console   :  console.log();

the browser to print the content of the current window  : window.print()


var Declares a variable
let Declares a block variable
const Declares a block constant
if Marks a block of statements to be executed on a condition
switch Marks a block of statements to be executed in different cases
for Marks a block of statements to be executed in a loop
function Declares a function
return Exits a function
try Implements error handling to a block of statements


Hyphens are not allowed in JavaScript

Underscore, Upper Camel Case (Pascal Case), Lower Camel Case


The var keyword was used in all JavaScript code from 1995 to 2015.

The let and const keywords were added to JavaScript in 2015.

const if the value should not be changed

Block Scope(let) , Global Scope (var)


inside a { } block cannot be accessed from outside the block

can not be redeclared


inside a { } block can be accessed from outside the block

can be redeclared

  Scope Redeclare Reassign Hoisted Binds this
var No Yes Yes Yes Yes
let Yes No Yes No No
const Yes No No No No

JavaScript Object(Objects, Properties, Methods, Display, Constructors)

create : ex) const person = {}; or const person = new Object();

add : ex)  person.nationalisy =  "";  

Accessing Object Properties

objectName.propertyName or objectName["propertyName"

nested Objects  : objectName["propertyName"] . ["propertyName1"] or objectName.propertyName.propertyName1

Deleting Properties

delete person.age; or delete person["age"];

Accessing Object Methods


Adding a Method to an Object

person.name = function () {
  return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;




http://www.w3schools.com 발췌


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